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Εlectronic gauges arm Rossmax Medical Technology Firm Real Fuzzy. The technology determines ideal RealFuzzy the pressure cuff based on systolic blood pressure of the individual and the size of the arm. Users no longer need to regulate in advance the level of inflation of the cuff before measurement. RealFuzzy technology also eliminates the discomfort caused to the arm due to over-regulation at high levels of inflation and also prevents inaccurate readings caused by these false levels.
They have large, clear LCD display with large digits (jumbo digits) and displays readable by anyone. The activation and deactivation of the sphygmomanometer with the touch of a button, and then displayed simultaneously measuring the following indicators:
Systolic pressure, Diastolic blood pressure and heartbeat.
On the basis of sphygmomanometer except the power key - there is also off the reset button memory of the last 90 measurements.
The cuff is fitted MJ 150f is the innovative design, conical in order to fit comfortably and perfect for any type of arm and does not contain latex (latex free). Furthermore all along has been overprinted drivers for the implementation of sphygmomanometer and instructions for proper use.
The operation of the sphygmomanometer is achieved through either four (4) batteries (size AA) or via AC adapter Rossmax Medical, who provided an alternative to selling. In the event that the selected use of the sphygmomanometer by batteries, a special indicator on the screen will inform us about their situation (weakly charged) and the need to replace them.
The sphygmomanometer MJ 150f is clinically tested and certified to the highest classification level by the Agency of Hypertension (ESH), ton British Association of Hypertension (BHS) and AAMI (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation). Furthermore, as all products have Rossmax Medical Quality Certification ISO, European Certification CE, and Certification of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration FDA.
• 4 years warranty